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La revista Time Magazine acuñó el término op art en 1964, en respuesta al espectáculo de Julian Stanczak _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Optical Paintings at the Martha Jackson Gallery, to refer to a form of abstract art (specifically non-objective art) that used optical illusions

Op art is a pictorial movement where the observer actively participates by moving or moving in order to fully capture the optical effect, is a perceptual experience related to how vision works, a dynamic visual art that derives from the discordant relationship between figure and background that puts two planes, the first and the second, in a tense and contradictory juxtaposition

After World War II a new generation of abstract artists appears Not only are they concerned with communicating a feeling with their works, but they demand an active attitude from the viewer. In his works, the eye must be looking at a work that moves, looking for the beginning and the end. 

Movement comes from the Latin motus-us, participle de moveo, meaning 'movement', 'agitation', 'shaking' and,_cc781905-5cde-3193-bbd5bd5bd5 figuratively, 'movement of the spirit'; affections, emotions, feelings, passions, thoughts.

Derived from moveo, 'mover', 'remove', 'shake'

By marrying op art with figurative art, Feldman seeks to communicate a feeling of immediacy to life.

In this limited collection called Motus, he invites the viewer to get a movement of both soul and visual intention; the characters appear in a kind of pose in action using mainly black and white with some pieces in another color.

We are always building a postural model of ourselves, subject to continuous changes

The postural model of our body is related to the postural model of others. Just as our emotions and actions are inseparable from body image, in the same way the emotions and actions of others are inseparable from their bodies.

Motus: Texto
Motus: Proyectos
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